Monday, March 3, 2008

Gah, It feels so good to be back.

I've been going crazy (heh, crazy) for a few months. Really I think it's because of the lack of creative venting (forums). But I'm still same, somewhat sane, me.

Here is a list of things that I deem facinating about me and the world lately:
1. Lunar Eclipse. I love the moon ^^ (I'm not a werewolf though)
3. Fedel Castro is steping down as Cuba's president.
5. It's official, I'm a therianthrope. (Tiger, woot)
6. That I'm Leaving out the number 4 :'(
7. That I'm still fairly depressed (But I still manage to keep my sense of humor ^^)
8. That Nobody really reads this forum.
9. If Hillary wins the next presidential election, some people might move to Canada.
10. MY 17th B-Day IS ON March 15th.
4. (I felt bad for the number 4) Maximum Ride: The final warning comes out on March 17th.
11. I'm still missing my first Maximum Ride book. (I'm expecting you to replace it Bryan)
13. The Furry war on youtube?
14. That My gym locker was broken into on 2 different occasions. I lost a new iPod nano and 11 bucks T_T
15. I've been single for 16, almost 17 years.
16. I passed drivers ed.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Messing with people DAY 2.

I wasn't really thinking the last time I posted. But messing with people is still entertaining.

Bah...this subject bores me.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Messing with people is fun.

Wells, I'm kinda depressed, stressed, etc. So, to get over it:
1. I'm avoiding my friends.
2. I'm letting them know somethings wrong.(But not telling them what it is.)
3. I'm putting real(I mean REAL) enthusiasim in my act(which really isn't an act).

Eh, yea, thats pretty much it. I was running out of ideas(the third one is weak). Anyway, as stated before. I just can't stand my friends.

Reality Sucks.

Thanks for listening to me rant.

Friday, October 12, 2007


Almost all week I've had weird dreams, the good weird, and I remember them. Dreams, so much fun.
On the other What does that mean? Homework, and for me homework never seems to get done. I'm already failing or close to failing a couple of my classes and we haven't even had mid-terms yet.
Also the feeling of stress, depression, and loneliness have been strong lately. I hate reality, but have no choice but to live it out. Every day I hope something will happen, something from my dreams or that I've fantasized about. It's getting to the point where I don't want to see any of my friends, partly because they're one of the reasons. I mean at least all of them have a life, they may say they don't but they do. Me? What do I have in life. Video Games, the internet, and my dreams. I'm not saying that I hate my life and I'm going to kill myself (Really).
My friends always remind me of what I'm missing out on, even though it's not all ways a good thing that I'm missing out on. Every time they bring something up and go on about it and I don't really like it, not really caring about it at the moment. But they do it so often it makes me sick. I know that they (might) be venting themselves sometimes about how something about one of our other friends annoyes the hell out of them, but I'm always the one caught in the middle.
Sure, I like my friends, but they tend to be stupid/idiots/morons/etc. Why did I move back to this place (Mtn. Home, ID) just to be able to hang out with them again. I miss spending my days homealone. I really want to move back to Arizona.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Me Vs Procrastination....Procrastination 1 Me 0

Well, as everyone should know schools back in session and that means homework. I just happen to be a big time procrastinator. That means I haven't got any of my homework done. I really need to start shaping up, things will get better as the year goes on...I hope.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wow, how time flies.

Well, it's that time of year again. Summers over and school has begun. Don't really have much to say other then that. I'll have more later.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I REALLY need a job...

Sigh...I've been saying this for the past few weeks, almost a month. I know where I want to apply but there's this thing called "procrastination." Anyways, I need things and things cost money. The only way to get money is to work for it, and work means a job.

Good bye and wish me luck,